European Vocational Skills Week 2019, 14.-18. October 2019

One of the highlights of the European Vocational Skills Week are the Awards.

This year again we want to showcase Vocational Education and Training excellence by recognising

committed people, organisations and outstanding projects.

Only two more weeks to go!

We would like to inform you that we have fixed a new deadline for applications on 20th of June 2019.

This new deadline is for the following categories:

Ø  Companies and Learners

–        European Alliance for Apprenticeships Awards

–        Training at Work Award

Ø  VET Innovators

–        Innovative VET provider Award

–        Teacher and Trainer Awards

–        VET researchers Award

Please disseminate information on the awards among your stakeholders and encourage them to apply.

Best regards,


#EUVocationalSkills | #DiscoverYourTalent

Basic Andragogical Training for Prison Educators Project n° 2018-1-RS01-KA204-000433 THE SECOND TRANSNATIONAL MEETING 09-10 May 2019, Belgrade, Serbia Faculty of Philosophy University of Belgrade REPORT

The second transnational meeting within the KA2 project supported by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union “Basic Andragogical Training for Prison Educators” (project ID number: 2018-1-RS01-KA204-000433) took place in the period from 9th of May 2019 to the 10th of May 2019 at the Faculty of Philosophy University of Belgrade where Serbian Association of Andragogists is situated.

The participants at the meeting were four members of Serbian Association of Andragogists (Bojan Ljujic, Aleksa Jovanovic, Jana Misovic and Natalija Gojak), two employees of Gebze Public Education Center from Turkey (Caglar Celik and Fatih Demirci) and two members of KOINE volunteering organization from Italy (Teresa Papa and Antonio Perna).

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