Kurikulum i priručnik „Osnovnog andragoškog treninga za edukatore u zatvorima“ rezultati su projekta međunarodnog strateškog partnerstva BASIC ANDRAGOGICAL TRAINING FOR PRISON EDUCATORS (BATPE) podržanog od strane Erasmus+ programa Evropske unije (ID projekta: 2018-1-RS01-KA204-000433). Koordinator projekta je Društvo andragoga Srbije (DaS) iz Beograda (Srbija). Partneri na projektu su Koinè, volonterska organizacija iz San Felice a Cancello (Italija) i Centar za javno obrazovanje (Gebze Public Education Center – GPEC) iz Gebzea (Turska).
Kurikulum i priručnik „Osnovnog andragoškog treninga za edukatore u zatvorima“ namenjeni su trenerima koji će realizovati BATPE trening. BATPE trening posvećen je edukatorima koji se bave obrazovnim radom u kazneno-popravnim ustanovama – nastavnicima odraslih zatvorenika. Primena BATPE kurikuluma i priručnika trebalo bi da pomogne trenerima da opreme nastavnike koji rade u kazneno-popravnim ustanovama potrebnim kompetencijama neophodnim za optimalan obrazovni rad sa zatvorenicima.
Basic Andragogical Training for Prison Educators Curriculum and Manual represent intellectual outputs developed within the project BASIC ANDRAGOGICAL TRAINING FOR PRISON EDUCATORS (BATPE) supported by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union (project ID number: 2018-1-RS01-KA204-000433). Coordinator of the project is Serbian Association of Andragogists (SAA) from Belgrade (Serbia). The partners on the project are Koinè, the voluntary organization from San Felice a Cancello (Italy) and Gebze Public Education Center (GPEC) from Gebze (Turkey).
Basic Andragogical Training for Prison Educators Curriculum and Manual are dedicated to trainers who will be carrying out the BATPE training. The BATPE training is devoted to the educators that are engaged within educational affairs within correctional institutions – teachers for adult prisoners. The application of BATPE curriculum and manual should help trainers to equip teachers that work in correctional institutions with required competencies needed for educational work with prisoners in optimal manner.